More than 4,081 positions are up for election ranging from federal positions including President of the United States to city offices like Donna City Municipal Judge.
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.
Get StartedThe President is the chief executive of the country, possessing many powers including signing bills into law, vetoing legislation, appointing federal judges and executive department heads, issue executive orders, and conducting foreign policy.
The Vice President is the second-highest official in the executive branch, and the presiding officer in the U.S. Senate. The Vice President is the first person in the presidential line of succession, and has the power to break ties in the U.S. Senate.
The U.S. Senate is one of two chambers of the federal legislature. Senators are responsible for writing and passing legislation, approving presidential appointments, and ratifying treaties with foreign countries.
The State K12 Education Board is responsible for overseeing the state's public K-12 education. Their responsibilities include setting curriculum, adopting instructional materials, and reviewing proposals for new charter schools.
The U.S. House of Representatives is one of two chambers for the federal legislature. Representatives begin the legislation process, offer amendments, and serve on committees.
State Utility or Public Service Boards are responsible for regulating the rates and services of electric, natural gas and/or water utilities.
State Senators are members of the state's upper chamber, as part of the state's bicameral legislature. State senators are responsible for voting on: bills related to public policy matters, levels for state spending, raises or decreases in taxes, and whether to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes.
State Representatives are members of the state's lower chamber, as part of the state's bicameral legislature. State representatives are responsible for voting on: bills related to public policy matters, levels for state spending, raises or decreases in taxes, and whether to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes.
Recreation and Library Bonds Issuance
Firefighter Collective Bargaining
School Bond Issuance
Ad Valorem Tax Increase
Parks and Recreation Bond Issuance and Tax Levy
Bond Issuance and Tax Levy
Stock Law
Hidalgo Park Conveyance
Bond Issuance and Tax Levy for Law Enforcement
Bond Issuance and Tax Levy for Roads and Bridges
Special District Creation
Road Department Administrator/Engineer
Courthouse Renovation
Local Liquor Option
City Secretary Charter Amendment
Mayoral Powers and Duties Amendment
Medical Examiner Bond Issuance and Tax Levy
Parks and Recreation
Animals Considered Stock by the Stock Law
Bond of Officers Charter Amendment
Public Safety
County Courthouse Bond Issuance and Tax Levy
General Election Charter Amendment
Cultural Facilities
County Coliseum and Adjacent Facilities Bond Issuance and Tax Levy
County Animal Shelter Bond Issuance and Tax Levy
Streets - Arterial and Collector; and Recreational and Community Facilities
City-Wide Flood Control, Drainage and Coastal Resiliency
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Change
City Council Residency Requirement
Firefighter Collective Bargaining
Special Election for Local Option Liquor
Term of Office
Charter Amendment for Collective Bargaining
City Re-Employment
City Manager Meeting Privileges
Ineligibility for Public Office
Repeal of the Prohibition on City Employee Campaigning
Punctuation and Numbering Corrections
Police Minimum Wage Repeal
Mayoral Veto Vote
City Staff Removal
City Manager Removal
Municipal Court Expansion and Qualification
Ordinance Election Referral
Nepotism Amendment
Amendment to Chapter 40A of Dallas City Code
Sales and Use Tax Reduction
Voter-Approval Tax Ratification Special Election
University Hills Municipal Management District Confirmation
Local Liquor Option
Bond Issuance for Roads and Bridges
Bond Issuance for Public Safety Facilities,
Term Limits Charter Amendment
Lockhart Freedom Act
Mayor Pro Tem Term Limit
Adding a Preamble to the City Charter
Bond Issuance for Streets, Sidewalks, Trails and Mobility System
Mayor and Council Compensation
Language Modernization
Mayor Pro Tem Charter Amendment
Increasing Salaries for the Mayor and Councilmembers
Grammar and Spelling Charter Amendment
Bond Issuance for Drainage Improvements
Streets and Subdivisions Charter Amendment
Charter Amendment to Electronic Voting
Removing Election Date from the Charter
Outdated Practices Charter Amendment
Bond Issuance for Municipal Facilities
Vacancies Charter Amendment
Police and Fire Chief Chain-of-Command Amendment
Eliminating the Ability for Councilmembers and Mayor to Run Again After Serving the Limit of Terms
Bond Issuance for Animal Shelter and Control
Official Newspaper Charter Amendment
Charter Amendment to Duties of City Secretary
Providing the City Secretary and City Auditor with Employees
Fireworks Charter Amendment
Charter Amendment to Dual Appointment Prohibition
Adding Eligibility Criteria for Serving on the Redistricting Commission
Ordinance Election Charter Amendment
Charter Amendment to Candidate Filing Requirements
Eliminating the Requirement that Members of Boards and Commissions Created by Charter be Registered to Vote, Qualified Voters, or Qualified Taxpaying Citizens
General Obligation Bonds Charter Amendment
Charter Amendment to Charter Review Commission
Amending Initiative and Referendum Petition Procedure by Extending Deadline for Petition Signature Collection from 60 Days to 120 Days and Reducing Number of Signatures Required on a Petition to Initiate a Referendum
Charter Amendment to Charter Review Commission Requirements
Allowing City Council to Replace City Board and Commission Members Before Completion of Board and Commission Terms
Charter Amendment to Charter Review Commission to Define Quorum
Adding the Office of the Inspector General to the Charter
Amending the Appointment Procedure and Qualifications of Associate Municipal Judges
Deleting the Requirement to Pay One-Half the Costs of Administrative Law Judge
Technical Amendments to Conform to State Law, City Code, and Actual Practices; to Correct Terms; and to Clarify Language
Reform Marijuana Enforcement
Granting Standing to Residents and Waiving Governmental Immunity
Annual Community Survey
Police and Fire Funding Appropriation
School Bond Issuance
School Bond Issuance
School Bond Issuance
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.