Candidate for Kentucky State Senate - District 7 in 2024 Kentucky Primary Election.
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Get StartedAdrienne has championed individual rights for the least represented, including the unborn. She firmly believes all liberty must be protected in order for any to exist. Adrienne is a staunch supporter of privacy and supports a justice system that promotes mutual respect for everyone’s life and liberty. Learn more
Adrienne is a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment. It is really what separates us from the rest of the world, and we must not let anything get in between us and our best possible self-defense. She opposes red flag laws and looks to bring relief from existing restrictions that are likely unconstitutional. Adrienne has been endorsed in the past by both the NRA and NAGR, covering all the bases of gun rights concerns. Learn more
Whether the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 10th Amendment, or others, Adrienne believes in no infringement. She is an articulate supporter of the plethora of rights enumerated in the Constitution, including religion, speech, arms, privacy, due process, rights of the accused, and state’s rights. She also upholds the Kentucky Constitution, her favorite passages of which are school choice and Section 2 (no arbitrary power). Learn more
What future pension systems should look like is entirely separate from the issue of following through on our word and not spinning our wheels looking for a shortcut. We are in over our heads in pension debt and are just starting to swim furiously upstream. Funds have been disappearing. Adrienne wants to address leaks so when we put money in, it won’t drain directly out. Learn more
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