Currently holds the office of Alaska House of Representatives - District 3 until January 11, 2027.
Candidate for Alaska House of Representatives - District 3 in 2024 Alaska General Election.
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Get StartedMy commitment to stabilize the economy and create jobs includes: Advocating a sensible, sustainable fiscal plan that provides stable funding for priorities like education, public safety, healthcare, housing, reliable transportation and more; Preserving the Permanent Fund and guaranteeing a sustainable dividend; Rebuilding our economy and putting Alaskans to work by proposing a bond package to invest in local projects: roads, bridges, harbors, school repairs, and water and sewer systems; Finding efficiencies in healthcare and continuing the expansion of Medicaid, to improve the health of our communities, reduce spending, and create good jobs in the healthcare industry; The return to a defined benefit pension option, to attract and retain quality teachers, police officers, and other employees, reducing training costs, improving quality of services, and providing economic certainty for retirees and seniors; Supporting our outdoor economy and creating jobs with outdoor restoration projects; Working with communities and the private sector to encourage economic innovations; and Addressing unnecessary roadblocks in state government that can make it harder to start or sustain a business in Alaska. Learn more
I am a champion of: Implementing a sustainable fiscal plan that provides timely and predictable funding for education; Strategically investing in programs that get children reading at grade level by 3rd grade (a critical benchmark of future success); Provide place-based, culturally relevant learning; Expand opportunities for career and technical education with training programs for high-demand fields, ensuring that Alaskans can get a good job; Providing quality pre-K programs so our children are ready to learn upon entering kindergarten; Ensuring a strong and coordinated K-12 and university system that prepares our graduates for further education or job skills after high school; and Ensuring a stable university system that encourages young adults to stay in-state and in Juneau. Learn more
Diversifying to renewable energy, such as hydro, solar, and wind is having positive results in parts of Alaska. Energy efficiencies and costs to users must be taken into account as we plan energy investments. Learn more
Every single person deserves quality, affordable health care. Right now, costs are too high for some families and too high for the state. Voluntary pooling, posting rates so that consumers can shop around, and free primary care clinics can help reduce costs. I believe that all women have a right to make their own health care decisions. Continuing Medicaid expansion is the best option for the state’s economy and the health of Alaskans. Learn more
The ferry system will always be our region’s main highway and must be strengthened, not cut further. We cannot afford another winter without ferry service, and I support the creation of our new Alaska Marine Highway Operations Board to have more powers to administer the ferry system, protect it from political decisions, and preserve it as an affordable, publicly- owned utility. Learn more
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