Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - Maryland 6th Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - Maryland 6th Congressional District in 2024 Maryland General Election.
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Get StartedFinally, April believes we need to rebuild trust in our Democracy to create a stronger nation for our children and communities. To do that, we need to rebuild trust, engage in open dialogue and lift up the greater good. That is what America has always done… and is who we are at our core. America has long been a beacon of light, hope and possibility. It is incumbent on all of that it remains ever so. Learn more
Trump has fueled a fracturing of our country. We must unite to take on key challenges, including the economy, technology, reproductive freedom, climate change, crime and better education outcomes. At her core, April believes we must seek “common sense, common ground” solutions and build coalitions of the willing to get things done for the families of the 6th District. Learn more
April specifically wants to leverage technology – and the changes it will bring about – to drive economic development across the 6th District. Her work with the Biden Administration on broadband is part of the answer, but so much more needs to be done through strategic investments and leveraging the District’s unique research and education assets. Learn more
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