Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - Missouri 3rd Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - Missouri 3rd Congressional District in 2024 Missouri General Election.
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Get StartedPro-life. Learn more
Dr. Onder was the author of 2017’s SB1/SB5, restoring common sense health and safety standards on abortion clinics and protecting pregnancy care centers. In committee he was a principal author of 2019’s HB 126, the “Heartbeat Bill,” which Missouri Right to Life called the most important pro-life bill in Missouri history. Learn more
In 2022, Dr. Onder was the Senate leader in negotiating a package of election reforms, HB1878, that made Missouri’s voting system among the most secure in the nation. In doing so, he thwarted proposals to extend early voting, mail-in voting, and drop boxes. The final bill banned Zuckerbucks and mandated paper ballots. Learn more
Dr. Onder sponsored and passed anti-BDS legislation, SB739, preventing taxpayer dollars from going to entities engaged in a boycott against Israel. Learn more
Standing up for the second amendment. Learn more
Dr. Onder was a leader in the Senate leading to the passage of Constitutional Carry in 2016 and the Second Amendment Preservation Act in 2019. He also sponsored legislation to expand the Castle Doctrine and to allow exercise of one’s constitutional rights on public transit (“Metro Carry”). Learn more
As a member of the Missouri House, Dr. Onder sponsored and passed HB1549 in 2008 to ban Sanctuary Cities, crack down on public employers and contractors who hire illegal aliens, and end catch-and-release of illegal aliens. The Federation for American Immigration Reform called this the strongest state law in the country to fight illegal immigration. Learn more
Dr. Onder has repeatedly sponsored legislation to lower income taxes Learn more
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