Currently holds the office of Missouri House of Representatives - District 119 until January 6, 2027.
Candidate for Missouri House of Representatives - District 119 in 2024 Missouri General Election.
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Get StartedThe ”life begins at conception” view is the only guarantee that we aren’t ending a person’s life. All other artificial time determinations on life or personhood risk the act of murder if we later discover that we are wrong. Medical exceptions have been and should be available according to the Doctors Oath. Life is sacred and should be protected. Learn more
We should not demonize and should properly support those that are tasked with enforcing our laws and those who respond to our emergencies protecting both property and life. Our first responders are not perfect and never will be, and using that as a club to publicly undermine their important and needed work is counterproductive to keeping our communities safe. “Hands off” policing strategies endangers our other first responders, our property, and it encourages more lawlessness. We must enforce the laws we have equally and without hesitation. We must support all our first responders with the equipment they need, a salary that is commensurate with their risk and an ongoing and active public recognition of the essential and important work that they do. Learn more
Our military should be the most lethal, well-equipped and highly trained combat force on earth as a deterrent to those who would perpetrate evil against us or our allies. Our military should be properly compensated for their dedicated and costly service. We have a moral responsibility as a nation to take care of our Veterans after their honorable service and especially those who gave their entire professional life serving this great nation. Learn more
Brad wants wage growth for ALL workers. Good quality paying jobs are the result of a robust economy. A thriving economy naturally produces rising wages across the board. There are no nonessential jobs. All jobs should be valued and are important whether they are entry, skilled or professional. Real economic growth comes from people risking their own money not the government using ours or our children’s money. Government run safety nets should be shaped and ran as a temporary helping hand not a career path to those who are able bodied. Learn more
Brad is a proponent of Public, Private and Home Schooling. Local Control of Public education safeguards a parent’s or guardian’s rightful place in the education of their children. The choice of education should always rest with parents or guardians not government. Higher Education is an important process but it shouldn’t be used to determine a person’s worth or potential. Learn more
Our Nation has never been perfect, but its principles have and will allow us to become a more perfect Union. America is truly unique and exceptional in its championing of unalienable, God given rights as delineated in our founding documents. We have been and should remain a beacon to all freedom loving peoples. We should use our affluence and influence to encourage peace, prosperity and freedom abroad. Our foreign policy should be consistent with our domestic values of holding life as sacred. When necessary, through persuasion or force we should protect innocent life and deter those who wish to practice evil. Learn more
Local Solutions to Local Problems. Statewide Solutions to Statewide Problems, and Federal Level Solutions to Federal Level Problems. Centralizing government authority and power enables corruption and is dangerous to individual freedom. The separation of powers has also been threatened lately, reducing accountability to citizens. We should be careful and mindful of the strings that are attached to funding at the state and federal levels so that we can maintain proper separation of powers. The federal government is refusing to control our borders but trying to control our schools, farms, businesses and even religious institutions. This is a prime example of how our separation of powers is eroding from our founding principles. Learn more
Our Democratic Republic cannot survive without free, fair, and legal elections. Elections should be controlled and transparent at the State level. The public trust in elections can only be maintained if a common sense process is used to register, verify legal identity and residency, and count the votes within each precinct. The entire process has to have immediate transparency for public scrutiny. Learn more
All Levels of government should operate in the black and on a budget. All levels of government should be transparent in their expenditures and receipts. All levels of government should be working to make the best use of each dollar of revenue it receives. Learn more
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