Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - Colorado 7th Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - Colorado 7th Congressional District in 2024 Colorado General Election.
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Get StartedPro-choice. Learn more
She has worked to increase access to contraception and protect abortion rights here in Colorado, and in Congress, will vote to protect those rights for everyone. Learn more
. In Congress, she will continue to work to help small businesses recover by increasing access to capital, help our economy grow by investing in the research, technology and infrastructure we need, and help fill critical workforce gaps with training, scholarships, and loan forgiveness programs. Learn more
Brittany also supports loan forgiveness programs that dedicate support for students who pursue careers in critical areas of need like education and health care. Learn more
Will continue to fight for increased investment in early childhood education, support for our teachers, and additional funding for our students living in poverty. Learn more
Brittany will ensure that student loans are the best value for students and will work to invest in our state and community colleges to reduce costs for our students. Brittany also supports loan forgiveness programs that dedicate support for students who pursue careers in critical areas of need like education and health care. Learn more
She supports a rapid transition to renewable energy like wind, solar, geothermal and other emerging clean technologies. She believes the federal government must play a role in building the energy grid needed to support our state’s future energy and transmission needs. Learn more
Brittany has made it a priority to protect Colorado’s public lands and open spaces in the legislature, and expanded our state parks. Our public lands support over 500,000 jobs and generate billions for our local economies in agriculture, hunting, recreation, and tourism. In Congress, she will fight to protect these spaces from developers to conserve the places that make Colorado the best place to live in the country. Learn more
Brittany supports a balanced and responsible approach to meet our energy needs. She supports a rapid transition to renewable energy like wind, solar, geothermal and other emerging clean technologies. She believes the federal government must play a role in building the energy grid needed to support our state’s future energy and transmission needs. We also need to incentivize the research, development and deployment of renewable technologies so we can grow our economy right here in Colorado’s 7th District, ensure energy independence, strengthen our national security, and address the urgent threat of climate change. Learn more
Brittany knows that climate change is one of the greatest threats we face and is committed to championing legislation to help communities deal with the current impacts of the climate crisis and ensure we mitigate its worst effects. We must act now by investing in an energy grid that will meet the needs of the future for energy transmission, the research to expedite battery and energy storage needs of clean technologies. Learn more
Brittany will work to prioritize healthy water levels in the Arkansas river to ensure the southwest counties of the district will be able to continue to thrive. She also supports the investments made in the Inflation Reduction Act that work to combat ongoing drought in the West. Learn more
Brittany will never balance our budget on the backs of seniors by slashing Medicare benefits. Our seniors need to know that they can rely on this essential medical coverage while we also work to save billions combating fraud and abuse. Learn more
I will fight to protect the ACA from partisan attacks and work to strengthen the access and quality of care provided. Learn more
Will fight to protect the ACA from partisan attacks and work to strengthen the access and quality of care provided. Learn more
In Congress, she will fight to allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices and improve transparency in medical billing, while working toward ensuring that every single American can afford quality health care. Learn more
In Congress, she will fight to protect every citizen’s right to vote and increase access to the ballot. Free and fair elections are the fabric of our democracy and Brittany will fight to protect the rule of law and ensure that our Constitution is upheld, no matter who wins an election. Learn more
Brittany will also work to invest in broadband access across rural Colorado to bring reliable internet for our businesses and communities. Learn more
In Congress, Brittany will fight to help address critical workforce needs by passing loan forgiveness programs in areas like education and health care. Learn more
She will fight to repeal the 2017 Trump tax cuts that only benefited the wealthy and largest corporations, and will work to help give breaks to the middle class who have been left holding the bag for far too long. Learn more
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