Candidate for Vermont State Senate - Addison District in 2024 Vermont Primary Election.
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Get StartedPass a Universal Primary Care bill as a first step towards Universal Health Care. Access to primary care can lower costs and improve outcomes over an entire population and over the long term. Our hospitals and insurers must help in this effort if we’re going to succeed. Enable competition in the healthcare marketplace, where there is a clear need for increased choice and pricing transparency. Learn more
Reconsider road designations to provide safe, bikeable routes for all Vermonters not just “road warriors”.It should be safe for kids to bike to school on public roads. Identify ways to continue funding our roads and bridges as the gas tax diminishes over time. Increase bus and train services for commuters. Expand broadband services throughout Vermont to facilitate more remote working opportunities. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.