Candidate for Vermont State Senate - Addison District in 2024 Vermont General Election.
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Get StartedReturning to the question posed—“how to get the best value out of education dollars”— I would propose analysis first, and actions second—specifically: revise the accounting system used for school budgets to distinguish “core educational services” (teaching) from “social services” (food, counseling, public health). We need to know how much we’re paying for what services before we determine whether we are spending too much or too little. For social services delivered through schools, analyze funding options other than the property tax. For example, outside of education, Vermont pays for social services through the General Fund, not the Education Fund. This could provide property tax relief. For the social services elements of the budget, analyze (i) whether or not schools are the best place at which to deliver the services; and (ii) for the services that are best delivered at schools, who can most cost-effectively deliver them? For both educational and social services at our schools, we can improve their effectiveness by reaching out to the population from birth to 5 to help our youngest students arrive ready to learn and succeed. In a similar way, we need to work with high school graduates to help ensure successful transitions into further education and employment. Learn more
Vermont has a plan—the Comprehensive Energy Plan—that established our 90% renewable energy by 2050 goal. We can and must shift as rapidly as possible away from carbon-based (fossil) fuels that now produce “dirty” electricity, transportation, and heat. Learn more
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