Currently holds the office of New York State Assembly - District 93 until January 6, 2027.
Candidate for New York State Assembly - District 93 in 2024 New York General Election.
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Get StartedChris acted with his colleagues to enact some of the strongest protections in the country of a woman's right to choose, including swiftly taking the first step to enshrine these rights in the NYS Constitution after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade. Learn more
Chris strongly and vocally advocated to elevate the state Division of Veterans' Services to a full cabinet-level department. This change was passed as part of the 2022-23 budget and will take effect next April. As a result, veterans service programs will now be consolidated for one-stop access for veterans and their families. Learn more
Every school district in the nine municipalities making up the Assembly District is receiving significant support, helping to maintain excellence in education for our children while also holding down property taxes. Learn more
Chris helped secure historic levels of funding for public education, including record-level funding for our school districts and a significant increase in funds for the state's higher education system. Learn more
In combating Climate Change, Chris joined his colleagues to provide urgently-needed funds to implement New York’s climate change law, the most ambitious in the nation. Learn more
Following a string of mass shootings and the Supreme Court's overturning of New York's common-sense concealed carry law, Chris worked to enact some of the strongest gun safety laws in the nation. The law restricts the carrying of concealed weapons in sensitive public places and expands requirements for concealed carry permits, including character references, firearm training, and background checks . Learn more
He advocated for the recently-implemented increase in pay for home health care workers who are so critical to our seniors and people with disabilities. Learn more
Chris has supported higher funding levels for healthcare including for substance abuse programs, suicide prevention, mental health counseling and for the Office of People with Developmental Disabilities. Learn more
Long an advocate of affordable housing, Chris joined his colleagues for calling for a new five-year capital plan and, as a member of the Housing Committee, pressed with colleagues for an increase in the total funding which will support the creation of 100,000 affordable housing units, 10,000 of which will be for supportive housing including for those with special needs. Learn more
With his grounding in local government, Chris understands their needs and helped secure increased funding for municipalities for local road paving, capital funds for local libraries, higher budgets for the NYS Department of Transportation to provide needed funds for upkeep of state roads running through the district. Learn more
Chris strongly advocated and joined colleagues for an acceleration of New York's middle-class tax cuts, resulting in the lowest middle-class tax rates in 70 years for those making a combined income of between 29,700 and 323,200. Learn more
Chris has prioritized eliminating barriers to employment, including authoring two bills to improve employment opportunities for those with disabilities (expected to be signed into law this fall). He is also working closely with state agencies to cut red tape for those getting services. Learn more
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