Currently holds the office of Massachusetts State Senate - Fourth Middlesex District (District 16) until January 6, 2027.
Candidate for Massachusetts State Senate - Fourth Middlesex District (District 16) in 2024 Massachusetts General Election.
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Get StartedI believe that all women should have access to birth control and other forms of preventative health care, regardless of economic status, to ensure they have the resources they need to live safe and healthy lives. Learn more
I fully support the Safe Communities Act and other legislation that seeks to promote equal rights under the law for women, the LGBTQ community, and immigrants in Massachusetts. Learn more
We need to move the Commonwealth away from a cash-based bail system to a system where the court would determine whether a person is likely to return to court based upon an objective risk assessment tool. Learn more
As your state Senator, I will make it a priority to combat veteran’s homelessness and unemployment, expand benefits and support services, and ensure that our veterans are getting the treatment they need to manage their physical and mental health and well-being. I look forward to serving as a powerful voice for our veterans and their families on Beacon Hill. Learn more
I am committed to fully funding our public schools (as recommended by the Foundation Budget Review Commission), because I understand that access to quality, free, publicly-funded education allows all of our children to reach their full potential. Learn more
I will also support allocating 1% of the state budget to support environmental agencies, because investing one penny of every state-operating dollar to protect our environment is not too much to ask. Learn more
We need to do a better job of providing greater resources for mental health care, implement laws that provide real treatment to those who suffer from severe mental illness and addiction, and divert those individuals who interact with law enforcement away from the criminal justice system and into appropriate treatment. Learn more
We must search for alternative options – like single payer systems, which have a track record of reducing inequities in healthcare, improving access to care and reducing costs for families, businesses, municipalities and states. Learn more
We need to increase housing production (especially affordable housing) to keep pace with population growth, address gentrification so that revitalization doesn’t lead to displacement, and reform our zoning regulations to better streamline the housing production process. Learn more
We cannot continue to try to “save money” at the expense of our workers and riders, while making no effort to invest in our transportation system to improve service. It’s time we invest now and put our riders first. Learn more
As state Senator, I will take the lead on raising the minimum wage to 15 per hour, fight to pass the Fair Share Amendment, and protect those affected by wage theft in the workplace. Learn more
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