Candidate for Alaska House of Representatives - District 27 in 2024 Alaska General Election.
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Get StartedIf elected, I will work with my colleagues in the state legislature to correct this, and to end the public funding of abortions in Alaska. Learn more
The forceful taking of an innocent human life can never be justified. Life is a gift from the Creator; a gift that all just governments are obliged to protect. Learn more
As a culture, we should be a culture of life, committed to supporting and empowering mothers and fathers to care for and love their children regardless of when they make their first appearance into our lives, or the life circumstances that meet them when they arrive. Learn more
We must reestablish that crime doesn’t pay in Alaska, and eliminate Alaska as a destination of choice for criminals. The public demands it, and we owe it to Alaskans to accomplish this immediately. Learn more
Our state desperately needs legislators with the courage to say NO to special interests and to funding requests that deprive future generations of the economic freedoms that we ourselves will have enjoyed at their expense. Learn more
Bureaucracy stymies innovation and encourages apathy, while perpetuating its own growth at every opportunity. While I am very proud to be able to work in the fire service, I know that job creation has to involve more than simply hiring more firefighters. Government has a number of important functions to perform, like putting out fires. However, job creation is not one of them. In the end, that must always be left to the private sector. Learn more
Education is not one-size-fits-all, and for that reason it will always defy top-down government solutions. Parents should be left free to choose the very best options for their children without government interference. Learn more
The Alaska State Constitution further declares that “The legislature shall provide for the utilization, development, and conservation of all natural resources belonging to the State, including land and waters, for the maximum benefit of its people.” As a legislator, my goal will be to find the very best ways to maintain our resources on the sustained yield principle for the maximum benefit of Alaskans, and to ensure that access to those resources is protected. Learn more
It is one thing to commit to work with fellow legislators on shared goals. It is a very different thing to commit your district’s vote for a bill or proposal that hasn’t even been written yet. Making a “Blank Check” pledge or commitment is dangerous under any circumstances, but it is all the more troubling when it is made in exchange for a personal benefit such as additional legislative staff, a larger office, a larger travel expense account, a committee chairmanship, additional seats on legislative committees, or a better parking space at the capitol. I cannot in good conscience betray those who elected me by joining a Binding Caucus and pledging their support for proposals that have not yet been written and that I have not evaluated. I understand this has become common practice in the legislature, but for me this is non-negotiable. Learn more
Alaskans must always keep in mind that the legislature itself makes no decisions and is responsible for nothing. Only individual legislators cast votes and can be responsible for the consequences of those votes. Only individual legislators can be held accountable for the decisions that they make on your behalf. Continuing to ignore Alaska’s 90-Day Session Law is not an acceptable solution. Legislators should pass legislation to remove the possibility of endless special sessions in Juneau. Learn more
In a free society, elections must be Free, Fair and Open. Those eligible to run for office and to vote must be able to do so free from coercion and intimidation. Each vote must count the same. And the process by which votes are counted must be open and able to be observed by members of all parties, including independent candidates and election watchdog groups. Learn more
Gun control accomplishes one thing: It deprives law-abiding citizens of the ability to protect themselves and those around them. Learn more
To combat the war against gun ownership we must be equally determined to promote a culture that respects and values the proper use of firearms in a free society, and the special role they have played in our own nation’s history. Learn more
The Second Amendment is the lynch pin on which hang all other constitutional rights. Without a culture that promotes firearms ownership, not only are our second amendment rights in jeopardy, so are all other rights as well. Learn more
Under no circumstances should the PFD be taken from Alaskans and used to fund state government without a vote of the people to do so. Those who believe that our state bureaucracy will do a better job of spending their PFD for them are always welcome to donate their PFD to the state. Learn more
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