Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - North Carolina 7th Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - North Carolina 7th Congressional District in 2024 North Carolina General Election.
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Get StartedI am pro-life and will do everything in my power in Congress to fight for the rights of the unborn in our country. Learn more
I believe in the Biblical definition of marriage between one man and one woman. This is the cornerstone to a productive and moral society. I was a co-sponsor of the Marriage Amendment to the NC Constitution and campaigned for its adoption by the people. I will vigorously fight any attempt by the courts to void the vote of the people of North Carolina or any legislative effort to repeal it. Learn more
We must reform the Veterans Administration so that it is customer friendly and appropriate the funding necessary to ensure quality long-term care. No veteran who has served this country honorably should ever lack quality care for their physical and mental health needs. We must also help them be successful when they come home. By investing in career training programs and incentivizing businesses to hire veterans, we can help our heroes transition from active duty to other care Learn more
Our small businesses, entrepreneurs, and farmers are the economic engine of this state and nation. Right now they are dying a death by a thousand cuts because the government continues to pile regulation upon regulation and tax after tax on their backs to the point that there is little incentive left to be in business. As a result, our economy remains stagnate and the American Dream is slipping away from many. We must create a business climate that is friendly to capital investment and job creation. We achieve that by getting rid of onerous rules and regulations that are making it difficult for our job creators to get access to credit and cost them unnecessary time and money. This includes the repeal of Obamacare. Learn more
I believe that control of education needs to be in the hands of parents, teachers and principals at the local level. The federal government should get out of the way and let the states do what is best for their local school officials so that every child receives a quality education. I believe we should return to the fundamentals of learning with a focus on critical thinking rather than the reciting of facts and figures that are forgotten soon after the test. If a student has learned how to think through issues and problems thoroughly, couple that with personal initiative and they will be able to achieve anything. Learn more
I support an all-of-the-above energy policy that will enable us to safely tap our energy potential and lessen our dependence on foreign oil. In fact, it should be our goal to be the number one exporter of oil and natural gas. We have the natural resources available to us to reach that goal if we will get serious about it. Learn more
In Congress, I will be a tireless advocate for those issues critical to our coastal communities. I will work to find long term funding solutions for the dredging of our waterways and inlets as well as beach nourishment and re-nourishment. I will also work with my colleagues in the House to protect the federal floodwater insurance program, which is vital to our coastal communities. It would be irresponsible for the federal government to ignore any rapid increase in flood insurance rates, which would bring real estate sales to a complete halt and cripple our coastal economy – not to mention causing many home-owners to lose their life savings. Learn more
I support a strong alliance with Israel. Learn more
I believe in military intervention only when we have a threat to the national interest of the United States. I believe we should do everything in our power to defend and protect U.S. Sovereignty and uphold the U.S. Constitution. Under no circumstances should we cede or grant any power to any international body that usurps our national sovereignty — no matter how noble the cause may seem. Learn more
I am a proud member of the NRA, and a strong supporter of our Second Amendment rights. The Second Amendment is about much more than the right to hunt, as some seem to suggest. It is about protecting ourselves from enemies foreign and domestic. Learn more
Increased health care costs not only hurt working families, but also are putting a major pinch on all taxpayers in the form of increasing costs of Medicare and Medicaid. The less costly health care is, the less costly Medicare and Medicaid will become. Medicare and Medicaid are important programs that we must preserve and to do that, we must address the systematic problems facing both programs. Otherwise, the cost of these two government-run programs will be unsustainable and will require a significant increase in taxes to pay for even fewer benefits than recipients of these programs currently receive today. Learn more
I do not support amnesty. No one who has come to this country illegally should be allowed to obtain taxpayer benefits. We have an illegal immigration problem because our legal immigration system is seriously flawed, overly bureaucratic and many of our immigration laws have not been enforced. Learn more
We need to lower all taxes so people can keep more of their money in order to help re-invigorate the economy and generate more revenues for the state. Lower taxes encourage innovation and reward the hard work necessary to create economic growth and new innovations that benefit all of society. Learn more
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