Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - Michigan 6th Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - Michigan 6th Congressional District in 2024 Michigan General Election.
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Get StartedEveryone deserves the same rights and protections under the law regardless of who they are or who they love. Discrimination in housing, employment, and other facets of American life is immoral, hurts our nation’s fragile economy, and must be stopped. Learn more
Debbie strongly believes that an investment in education is an investment in our future. At a time when public education is under attack from Betsy Devos and the Trump Administration, she is proud to support our public schools and our teachers and is committed to promoting educational opportunities from Pre-K to higher education and older adults. Learn more
She has opposed the Trump administration’s dangerous rollback of water pollution standards, has introduced legislation to help protect endangered wildlife, and continues the fight to have man-made PFAS chemicals declared as a hazardous substance. Learn more
Debbie is a Co-Chair of the Medicare for All Caucus and an original co-sponsor of the Medicare for All Act, is fighting to protect pre-existing condition protections gained through the Affordable Care Act, and is working to pass multiple pieces of legislation with colleagues on both sides of the aisle to lower the costs of prescription drugs. Learn more
Debbie is fighting for policies that allow seniors to retire with dignity, increase access to proper medical and long-term care, and secure the benefits they’ve earned. Learn more
She supports the rights of unions and recognizes the importance of collective bargaining, which is why she cosponsored the PRO Act to protect the basic right for workers to join a union. Learn more
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