Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - North Carolina 2nd Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - North Carolina 2nd Congressional District in 2024 North Carolina General Election.
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Get StartedIn addition, I voted to pass the Equality Act, which will prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation. This historic legislation protects LGBTQ Americans from discrimination in the workplace and other public fields like education, access to credit, jury service, federal funding, housing and public accommodations, and more. Learn more
The right to vote is a cornerstone of our democracy. It’s imperative that we work to strengthen voting rights – not make it more difficult for North Carolinians to cast a ballot. That’s why I voted for and cosponsored the For the People Act, a sweeping package to protect and expand voting rights, restore integrity in government, and put the needs of the American people ahead of the priorities of powerful special interests. Learn more
I have always been a champion for working people and I am proud to have the support of workers and unions. We must prioritize our workers and small businesses as we rebuild our economy, making sure that relief dollars go to the small businesses and working families that need it most. Learn more
In Congress, I’m prioritizing common-sense proposals to address college affordability, including an increase to the maximum Pell Grant award, enabling graduate and professional students to access subsidized loans, placing a cap on collection fees charged to borrowers who have defaulted on their loans, and loan forgiveness. I will also continue to fight back against lenders and institutions that make false promises and defraud our students. Learn more
The federal government plays an important role in ensuring that all our students have access to a high-quality public education, including by providing critical funding to support Title I schools and students served by the Free and Reduced Lunch program. In Congress, I am fighting for greater federal resources for our schools as well as free, high quality pre-K programs for all our children. Learn more
Climate change is an imminent threat to our country and our planet, and we must take immediate action to address it. Learn more
I strongly believe no politician should come between medical providers and their patients. That’s why I have worked for decades to protect a woman’s right to reproductive freedom. In Congress, I am a proud cosponsor of the Women’s Health Protection Act which will ensure that reproductive rights are protected at the federal level so that all people can have access to reproductive health care regardless of where they live. Learn more
No one should ever have to decide between life-saving care and paying their household bills, yet many North Carolinians still face this devastating choice every day. That’s why I support creating a comprehensive public option for health insurance, expanding Medicaid in North Carolina, taking steps to reduce the high cost of prescription drugs, and implementing other reforms to ensure affordable and equitable access to care for every American. Learn more
I am committed to defending the Dreamers, undocumented young people brought to this country as children. They attend American schools, work for American companies, and run businesses and raise families in American communities. In short, they are American in every respect except on paper. Learn more
Nothing is more important to me than keeping all families safe and secure. My district is home to a large immigrant population. These students, families, and workers contribute to our communities, our culture, our economy, and our institutions of higher education. In Congress, I am committed to passing comprehensive immigration reform to keep families together, provide a fair pathway to citizenship, and meet our nation’s economic needs. Learn more
Included in the infrastructure package is a bill I co-authored that will bring key stakeholders together to make recommendations for the safe and effective development, adoption, and integration of electric vehicles into the transportation and energy systems of the United States. Learn more
Every American should be able to enjoy a comfortable and secure retirement. Our seniors have paid into Social Security and Medicare over a lifetime of hard work, and I won’t stop fighting to protect these earned benefits. In Congress, I’m working to strengthen Social Security and will strenuously oppose any attempt to turn Medicare into a voucher program. I also support lowering the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 60. Learn more
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