Currently holds the office of Massachusetts State Senate - First Middlesex District (District 11) until January 6, 2027.
Candidate for Massachusetts State Senate - First Middlesex District (District 11) in 2024 Massachusetts General Election.
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Get StartedEd Kennedy is a strong advocate for reforming the funding formula for public schools in Massachusetts. As the former mayor of Lowell and chairman of the Lowell School Committee, he is acutely aware that the funding formula passed in 1993 is outdated and inadequate. Learn more
As a state senator, Ed Kennedy will be a strong proponent for adequately funding state environmental agencies and protecting conservation and recreational land, waterways and watershed areas, and working farms in the First Middlesex District and throughout the Commonwealth. Learn more
In order to end the opioid crisis in Massachusetts, Ed Kennedy supports expanded access to treatment, increased availability of Narcan, opioid education in schools and hospitals, and prescription drug monitoring programs. Learn more
Ed Kennedy believes that access to affordable high-quality health care is a right and that it should be available to all. He supports a Medicare for all health care system and will fight for legislation aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs. He also recognizes that a solution to the health care issue should come from the federal government rather than state government. Learn more
Ed Kennedy believes that everyone, at every economic level, should be able to live in a dwelling that is clean, safe and affordable. He will also advocate for programs that allow future generations of young adults to be able to afford to live in the community where they grew up. Learn more
Senator Kennedy has also been actively engaged in other transportation projects including the Route 110 repaving project that will affect residents in Lowell and Dracut. Learn more
Ed Kennedy will support creative solutions aimed at easing the burden of student loan debt in Massachusetts such as promoting economic incentives to businesses and companies who offer plans to reduce student loan debt as a way of attracting new employees and retaining current employees. Learn more
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