Currently holds the office of Alaska State Senate - District F until January 8, 2029.
Candidate for Alaska State Senate - District F in 2024 Alaska General Election.
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Get StartedAlaska desperately needs the freedom to responsibly develop our resources. Resource development is often referred to as “extractive” industry which means that it comes from naturally occurring resources, but we must be sure that it does not extract from Alaska’s economy. A good project is one that passes basic economic evaluation for profitability and can be done responsibly in terms of both measures of responsibility, caring for our environment while economically benefiting our state and its people. Learn more
Last legislature we passed the Alaska READS act, which was a great bipartisan step in the right direction. Now, Alaska needs to get creative with more solutions which give parents the choices they need and drive further performance in our education system. Learn more
I don’t know anyone that is truly “anti-education” and I am certainly not, but I do know that Alaska’s education system badly needs improvement. I firmly believe that we can and must do a much better job cultivating performance in Alaska’s education system. Learn more
Alongside mining, oil, and gas, Alaska needs to work towards expanding clean energy across the state. As a member of the Energy Committee last year, we worked on the Governor’s Clean Energy Standards legislation. This bill, along with capital project investment, would be a step in the right direction towards wind, solar, micronuclear, and other energy sources. Learn more
Alaska has extensive regulatory burdens. Research reveals that the Alaska Administrative Code in 2019 contains 52,570 guidelines, 5.8 million words, which would take 8 weeks to read! We need to get government out of the way of the private sector. I have been working with Senators and Representatives to come up with novel solutions for chipping away at these costly regulations. Learn more
I am pro Constitution, so I am pro Bill of Rights, and believe that the 2nd Amendment is there to protect the 1st. Learn more
I have been championing a spending cap tied to the health of the private sector as well as a rewrite of Alaska’s Executive Budget Act. These two pieces of legislation work together to control the state’s spending while measuring every dollar against the yardstick of value delivered. My innovative spending cap would ensure that Alaska’s government is focused on growing the private sector and better budgeting would lead to sustainable, performance-driven spending. Learn more
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