Currently holds the office of Colorado State Senate - District 26 until January 1, 2029.
Candidate for Colorado State Senate - District 26 in 2024 Colorado General Election.
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Get StartedSimplify the tax code for small businesses and create a fast track for Coloradans interested in starting new businesses. Learn more
Ensure that every Colorado kid graduates from high school with a meaningful internship, an industry-recognized certificate, or an associates degree to guarantee that they are career or college ready. Expand vocation and career training programs in high schools to help get more kids career-ready. Learn more
Improve teacher pay so we can better compete with other states to attract and retain the best teachers. Reduce the cost of public higher education so graduates don't start their careers under mountains of debt. Create a continuing education fund for workers to use throughout their entire lives. Learn more
Bring down the cost of housing by right-sizing the cost of new tap fees. Continue to protect and grow our parks and open spaces, and prevent any effort to privatize our public lands. Learn more
Fully fund the Colorado Water Plan to keep our water clean and protect one of our state's most precious—and threatened—natural resources. Learn more
Increase preventative care by finding more ways to connect doctors with patients. Remove barriers to telemedicine so that all parts of our state have access to the high quality healthcare and specialists they need. Learn more
Make benefits like healthcare and unemployment insurance portable across jobs and employers in order to encourage the creation of more small businesses and give independent contractors and "gig economy" workers the same benefits and protections as everyone else. Learn more
Make sure that Colorado is ready to implement new vehicle and road technology in a way that capitalizes on existing transportation infrastructure. Learn more
Continue to invest in Colorado's roads, bridges, and transit so families don't have to sit in traffic and goods and services can move freely into and out of our state. Learn more
Give companies a tax credit for providing their employees with ongoing certificate-based job training. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.