Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - Colorado 3rd Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - Colorado 3rd Congressional District in 2024 Colorado General Election.
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Get StartedWe must secure the border immediately. Border Patrol and law enforcement must be given all resources necessary to enforce the law. Learn more
Government plays an important role in economic development. But government is best when focused on creating conditions that allow businesses themselves to thrive. Jeff will target unnecessary mandates and regulations. Jeff will also work hard to incentivize investments from any sized company, but his primary focus will be on helping small businesses start, grow, and succeed. Learn more
Jeff supports the responsible development of all Colorado energy resources. This includes some of the cleanest oil and natural gas molecules in the world. It’s a win for Colorado when these resources are produced cleanly, safely, and efficiently. Energy independence is most important. But it’s also a win for the United States when we export our energy resources: Colorado energy can substitute for higher-carbon fuels abroad, and exporting Colorado energy will protect our allies from energy blackmail from countries like Russia or China. A believer in free markets, Jeff is open to competitively priced renewable energy and low-carbon resources. He will engage any company interested in bringing power plants, safe technologies, and well-paying jobs to southern and western Colorado. Jeff knows permitting and regulatory reform are necessary to speed both traditional and low-carbon energy development. And with increasing demands for electricity, Colorado must do everything it can to support energy projects—particularly reliable generation that’s available on demand. Learn more
Jeff supports the responsible development of all Colorado energy resources. This includes some of the cleanest oil and natural gas molecules in the world. It’s a win for Colorado when these resources are produced cleanly, safely, and efficiently. Learn more
Jeff will always work closely with Colorado’s agriculture community. In making water policy decisions, Jeff will listen first—and last—to the water users who make a living from irrigating and the water providers who serve Coloradans in the 3rd Congressional District. Learn more
Separately, he’ll also push to eradicate water-guzzling and non-native plant species like the tamarisk. He’ll target specific changes to federal law permitting processes that allow development of critical Colorado water projects that benefit rural Colorado. Learn more
Jeff strongly supports legal immigration and expanding opportunities for legal immigrants. But a country that can’t control its border isn’t meeting its fundamental responsibilities toward its citizens—including national security, economic security, and upholding the rule of law. We must secure the border immediately. Border Patrol and law enforcement must be given all resources necessary to enforce the law. The federal government must also do everything in its power to work with local law enforcement to crack down on drugs and crime flowing into our country. Learn more
Our open border is a national security crisis and a massive political failure. Learn more
If elected, Jeff’s top priority will be creating opportunities so rural Colorado economies can thrive. This includes higher-paying jobs that allow working families to support themselves. Learn more
In Congress, Jeff will fight to make sure that there are sensible regulations for advancing technologies like cryptocurrency, encouraging the innovation and job growth they bring, all while protecting the public from bad actors. Learn more
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