Currently holds the office of Michigan House of Representatives - District 104 until January 1, 2027.
Candidate for Michigan House of Representatives - District 104 in 2024 Michigan General Election.
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Get StartedI will stand up to efforts by the radical left to promote taxpayer-funded abortions. I am proudly pro-life and will always support legislation that protects innocent human life at all stages. Learn more
I believe in the sanctity of life and am 100% pro-life. I believe that we must protect the unborn, who have the basic fundamental right to life. Learn more
The increased housing prices in Grand Traverse County is forcing middle class workers to flee to surrounding counties to find housing, or to leave the area altogether. I bet we all have a story on the craziness of the current housing situation in our area. High rents, very low availability, and bidding wars on home sales. I have talked to business owners who have employees driving over an hour to get to work because they can’t find anything or it’s too expensive. I have introduced a bill that will give a small tax abatement to encourage people to fix up smaller properties. This is part of a larger Housing package that will encourage building and rehabbing more properties and allow local working families to live in the community where they work. Learn more
It’s no secret that the Grand Traverse Area is a top vacation and recreation spot for people throughout the Midwest, and increasingly the entire country. Our high quality of restaurants, wineries, breweries, distilleries, museums, galleries, hotels, shops on top of beaches, sand dunes, trails, and beautiful accessible water makes us a very desirable place to visit. This industry brings well over 10 million visitors each year and employs at least 12,000 jobs which is almost 30% of our area’s jobs. I have worked closely with TC Tourism, as well as their regional organization, to ensure that this industry is supported and that we value what they offer to our community. Learn more
Skilled trades are desperately needed as we build our future. These jobs are not the same jobs form 20 years ago. They use technology, new innovative ideas and personal skills to lead our area with new buildings, infrastructure and a better quality of life. These jobs are a great alternative to expensive colleges and universities, and they can earn a degree while they work, reducing student debt. I have introduced a bill that will allow nurses to earn a 4 year Bachelors degree at a local 2 year community college. This will allow nurses to stay here with their families and in our local medical community to each their 4 year degree while they are working. Skilled workers and non-traditional students are the key to building a better region. And we need innovative ideas to keep them here and help them build their skills. Learn more
As a working family, we understand the difficulties in finding quality childcare that is accessible as well as affordable. I have introduced a bill that will help increase the locations available to childcare organizations. This is part of a larger childcare package that will reduce red tape, increase transparency and open up additional childcare spots, while keeping our kids safe. This package will not only increase spots available in current childcare organizations but will encourage new organizations to open up. Learn more
I support school choice in public education for all Michigan students as I believe that each student is unique and deserves a school environment that will best serve their learning needs. Parents should be able to choose the education model best suited to meet the needs of their children, regardless of income level. Learn more
We need to encourage a collaborative environment that supports parental involvement and increased accountability and transparency from our school administrators and school boards. Learn more
Before I came to the legislature, I managed a marina as well as worked in the ski industry. As an avid hunter and outdoorsman, along with my family, I understand the very close relationship with nature and the importance of preserving and enhancing our outdoor activity opportunities. Learn more
The increased housing prices in Grand Traverse County is forcing middle class workers to flee to surrounding counties to find housing, or to leave the area altogether. I bet we all have a story on the craziness of the current housing situation in our area. High rents, very low availability, and bidding wars on home sales. I have talked to business owners who have employees driving over an hour to get to work because they can’t find anything or it’s too expensive. I have introduced a bill that will give a small tax abatement to encourage people to fix up smaller properties. This is part of a larger Housing package that will encourage building and rehabbing more properties and allow local working families to live in the community where they work. Learn more
Government is of the people, by the people and for the people. To make sure this is happening we need to make sure that the people have access to the process. My office handles hundreds of emails and phone calls each week, I have regular office hours throughout the district as well as being available for phone calls 7 days a week. As for state government as a whole, I have sponsored bills that define Conflict of Interest for members of the legislature-so that members don’t vote on bills that have a personal impact on the member or their family members. I have also sponsored a bill that defines the process and amounts available to severance payouts in the legislative and executive branches. We all remember the sweetheart deals that the Director at the Unemployment Agency and the Director at Health and Human Services got after botching those departments and the services that they provide to Michiganders. Under my bills, severances need to be decided by the legal counsel of the organization and then needs to be made public on the state website. They will also not be able to have a non-disclosure clause on the facts of their case. Learn more
No 3rd party access to qualified voter file (QVF). Learn more
Requiring photo ID. Learn more
Ensuring only eligible voters are able to cast ballots. Learn more
Removing dead voters. Learn more
Banning unsolicited absentee voter ballots from being sent out. Learn more
No voting machines connected to the internet during tabulation. Learn more
The increased housing prices in Grand Traverse County is forcing middle class workers to flee to surrounding counties to find housing, or to leave the area altogether. I bet we all have a story on the craziness of the current housing situation in our area. High rents, very low availability, and bidding wars on home sales. I have talked to business owners who have employees driving over an hour to get to work because they can’t find anything or it’s too expensive. I have introduced a bill that will give a small tax abatement to encourage people to fix up smaller properties. This is part of a larger housing package that will encourage building and rehabbing more properties and allow local working families to live in the community where they work. Learn more
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