Currently holds the office of Kansas House of Representatives - District 110 until January 11, 2027.
Candidate for Kansas House of Representatives - District 110 in 2024 Kansas General Election.
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Get StartedI believe that life starts at conception and I will continue to be a strong voice for the unborn. I am adopted and want to be a better advocate for those who need a forever home. Learn more
I am still learning more about medical use marijuana and believe we will have more discussions about it’s future, but I remain opposed to the recreational use of marijuana in Kansas. Learn more
We must give the citizens of Kansas the best chance to succeed, as an entrepreneur, sole proprietor, LLC, or corporation. We must keep fighting undue and burdensome regulations that discourage expansion and job creation. We must also make it easier to transition a small business from one generation to the other. Our strength is when we come together with a common goal of making our area stronger. We need to cut the red tape which does not encourage growth. We need investment programs which encourage public/private partnerships for housing and service sector businesses in undeserved communities. We need to continue to work on solutions to bring affordable housing opportunities to many undeserved communities in the state. Learn more
The heartbeat of Kansas runs through agriculture. Farmers and ranchers are resilient and continue to work hard everyday to grow the food, fuel and fiber we need on a daily basis. We need to work diligently not to pass legislation which will hamper agricultural opportunities on the land or on main-street. Water is the key to life; we must use it wisely and efficiently. Learn more
I believe in public education and small schools. I am opposed to any attempt to close or force consolidation of any school in the 110th District, without a viable, reasonable, and a factual plan. We need to get beyond the name calling and talking above each other and seek real solutions. Rhetoric does not teach students the skills they need to be successful. We all agree, a strong education system helps citizens of all ages. It is imperative that we have good schools across the state which prepare students higher education which in turn helps create a work force of informed and engaged citizens. Learn more
I am a proud member of the National Rifle Association and will defend your right to defend yourself, your family, your property and will work to preserve your options regarding ownership of firearms. Learn more
I appreciate, as do most, the idea of lower taxes and limited government. We must continue to pass legislation which limits the power and reach of government. Learn more
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