Candidate for North Carolina House of Representatives - District 82 in 2024 North Carolina Primary Election.
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Get StartedIf elected as your Representative, I want to empower our First Responders and Law Enforcement officers with the confidence that they have the support of their community and legislatures. This empowerment comes in the form of being proactive, not reactive, and making sure they are equipped with the resources, training, and skills they need to continue to serve our citizens. Learn more
I will support small business owners taking those leaps of faith; I will support evidence-based incentives that are best for our community; and I will support economic development that provides long-term business investment to North Carolina and its citizens. Learn more
The right to keep and bear arms is not a right granted by the legislative power. It is enumerated in our Country’s Constitution and essential to what makes our people free, and not subject to tyrannical whims of politicians. I believe that it is imperative to defend this right, and ensure that North Carolinians remain a well-armed citizenry that feels safer in their community, are able to protect their property, and ensure any individual can protect themselves.Governor Cooper, the radical Left, and anti-gun lobbyists in DC want to place burdens on the people of North Carolina by making it more difficult to purchase firearms, and stereotype firearms as the cause of acts of violence. They wish to create restrictive burdensome legislation and bureaucratic red tape in the way of our Constitutional rights. As your representative, I will defend our castle doctrine; protect our Constitutional rights; and fight against legislation and break down that red tape, while keeping policies in place that maintain the safety of our community. Learn more
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