Candidate for Texas House of Representatives - District 65 in 2024 Texas Primary Election.
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Get StartedKronda is pro-life, will work to defend the sanctity of life, and will oppose taxpayer funding of abortions. She will be a voice for the unborn and those who cannot defend themselves. She has financially supported crisis pregnancy centers that offer support to women facing unplanned pregnancies. Kronda understands the importance of providing assistance to women who choose life but sometimes face an uncertain future as a new mother, and supports common-sense health care support for families. Learn more
Kronda Thimesch is an ardent supporter of our first responders and is adamantly opposed to any effort to defund the police. She believes that citizens are best served when law enforcement and communities have high engagement and strong positive relationships. Kronda is endorsed by law enforcement officials and associations because she has their back. Learn more
Kronda knows that Texas is strongest when we have an economy that can support a growing workforce. Having witnessed firsthand the impacts of over-taxation and heavy-handed regulation, Kronda is committed to eliminating harmful regulations and red tape that harm our businesses so they can create jobs. Learn more
Each of us is made equal by our Creator, but Critical Race Theory teaches our children to see each other first as members of a racial group-as oppressors or oppressed. That’s wrong. We are Texans, and we are Americans. Kronda will not stand for this fringe liberal ideology, pitting us against one another and poisoning future generations along racial lines. Kronda will stand against CRT’s destructive ideology. Learn more
As an experienced leader in K-12 education, Kronda knows that a stronger education system means a stronger workforce, which leads to jobs and opportunity for all. Learn more
We must protect the integrity of elections across Texas. As our State Representative, Kronda voted to make illegal voting a felony. Kronda will continue to support new laws to ensure Texas election administrators follow the Constitution and support changes that continue to make it easier for Texans to vote and harder to cheat. Learn more
As a small business owner, Kronda has firsthand experience with skyrocketing health care costs and knows that health care premiums are straining family budgets. She will work to make health insurance more accessible and affordable by expanding telemedicine, lowering the cost of prescription drugs, and helping small business owners to provide coverage for their employees. Kronda opposes polices which take away your ability to choose your own doctor and place the government in charge of health care decisions. Learn more
Securing the border is Kronda’s #1 priority because Biden’s open border policies endanger our state and nation. Learn more
Kronda knows the importance of reforming the property tax system and continuing the fight to cut property taxes. Learn more
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