Currently holds the office of Michigan House of Representatives - District 17 until January 1, 2027.
Candidate for Michigan House of Representatives - District 17 in 2024 Michigan General Election.
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Get StartedOur government needs to work to dismantle the laws currently in place that are based in systemic racism, such as mandatory minimum sentencing. Learn more
I strongly support policies that empower children and teachers, such as providing access to early education and limiting class sizes. Learn more
Clean water is at the forefront of the battle for the environment. I believe every Michigan family has the right to live without the fear of water contamination or air pollution of any kind. We must hold local companies and government responsible while also demanding transparency. Learn more
I am a supporter of a state-funded Medicare for All and have co-sponsored legislation to create such a program. Michiganders have the right to affordable, comprehensive healthcare that also prioritizes mental health. Learn more
I support programs that provide healthcare to senior citizens, as well as the reallocation of funds to ensure that they are not living without necessities such as medicine or medical care in order to survive. Learn more
I believe that the key to repairing Michigan's roads is not necessarily in the repair itself, but in preventing the damage from occurring. I supported legislation that would increase overweight trucking fees, as well as close certain corporate tax loopholes, so that everyone in Michigan was paying their fair share when it came to our infrastructure. Learn more
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