Candidate for Denver City Mayor in 2023 Denver Municipal General Election.
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Get StartedDenver can be the safest major city in the nation. A vibrant city for all its residents demands a transformational approach to public safety. That includes ensuring that each agency in the Public Safety Department is well resourced including: Police, Firefighters, Dispatchers, Sheriffs, Community Corrections, and Youth Program services. Leslie has a proven track record of being a champion of true criminal justice reform, and will continue to fight to ensure that our system is fair and just for all people that encounter it. Learn more
Within her first 100 days, Leslie will meet with the City’s largest employers and fastest growing companies to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing their businesses. She will also partner with the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation, higher ed, and upskilling organizations to ensure we are training and educating the next workforce to meet employer and employee needs. Learn more
Leslie will focus on improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions, all while ensuring that communities of Color are not disproportionately impacted by these changes. Learn more
Leslie will focus on improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions, all while ensuring that communities of Color are not disproportionately impacted by these changes. Learn more
It is time to rethink how we address living space for our unhoused neighbors--the current situation is not working for them or for the city. We know that helping people get back on their feet requires stable housing, but the very first step is getting people inside to safe places--ones where they feel comfortable and secure. In addition, we will expand street outreach, addiction treatment, and harm reduction to ensure that people facing a crisis are aware of these new solutions. Bold action is required to change the trajectory of the city, and we can develop solutions that are both safe AND caring. Learn more
Leslie envisions a Denver in which car ownership is not a prerequisite to getting a job or getting around. Leslie will ensure our city has safe, convenient, affordable transportation options for everyone that lives here, so that those who want to bus, bike, or walk can choose to do so.Many residents will still have cars and use them, within an efficient transportation system that is shared equitably with other modes of transportation. Creating balanced options will benefit our economy, reduce pollution, increase safety, and help ensure that our city is fair for everyone that lives here. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.