Currently holds the office of Colorado State Senate - District 19 until January 1, 2029.
Candidate for Colorado State Senate - District 19 in 2024 Colorado General Election.
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Get StartedI am a staunch advocate for reproductive freedom, believing firmly that every individual has the right to make informed decisions about their own reproductive health. Learn more
I am advocating for reforming our criminal justice system in a way that emphasizes prevention, treatment, and recovery rather than punishment. We need to invest in drug courts and other diversion programs that offer treatment alternatives for individuals who come into contact with the justice system due to substance misuse. These programs have been proven to reduce recidivism and improve health outcomes, offering a more compassionate and effective response to addiction. Learn more
I strongly believe that every child, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or the zip code they grow up in, deserves access to a high-quality education. Learn more
I remain committed to prioritizing student success in every decision I make, every policy I propose, and every vote that I make. I am driven by a deep-rooted belief in the power of education to change lives, and the responsibility we all share to ensure our children have the best possible opportunities to learn, grow, and thrive. Learn more
I strongly believe that investing in our students is investing in our future. Increased funding can enhance every aspect of a student's learning experience, from improving classroom materials and technology to attracting and retaining excellent teachers, providing a more robust range of courses, and supporting critical extracurricular activities and student support services. Learn more
Strengthen Community Solar Programs: Encourage the development of community solar projects, allowing wider access to solar energy for all Colorado residents. Learn more
Facilitate Transition to Renewable Heating and Cooling: Promote the adoption of geothermal and air source heat pumps for residential and commercial properties to reduce dependence on fossil fuels for heating and cooling. Learn more
Expand Renewable Energy Adoption: Boost investments in solar, wind, and hydroelectric power projects to increase Colorado’s renewable energy portfolio. Learn more
Strengthen Renewable Energy Financing: Make financing more accessible for clean energy projects to stimulate growth in the green energy sector. Learn more
Incentivize Energy Efficiency Upgrades: Offer incentives for residential and commercial buildings to upgrade to energy-efficient systems and appliances. Learn more
Support Electric Vehicle Infrastructure: Accelerate the construction of EV charging stations and promote incentives for EV purchases statewide. Learn more
Increase Energy Storage Solutions: Develop and incentivize energy storage technologies to enhance grid stability and renewable energy utilization. Learn more
Implement Green Building Standards: Adopt sustainable building practices and standards to ensure new constructions and renovations are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. Learn more
Enhance Grid Flexibility and Integration: Invest in smart grid technologies and policies that improve grid flexibility, allowing for better integration of variable renewable energy sources and enhancing energy efficiency statewide. Learn more
Promote Green Workforce Development: Foster education and training programs focused on green energy sectors to support Colorado’s clean energy economy. Learn more
The gun violence epidemic demands immediate and bold action; I am dedicated to finding and implementing effective solutions to address this crisis with the urgency and complexity the issue deserves. Learn more
I firmly believe that no Coloradan should be forced to choose between paying for medical care and putting food on the table. Health is a fundamental human right—not a privilege determined by income, employment status, or geographical location. In my role as Chair of the House Health & Human Services Committee, I have had the honor and responsibility of overseeing hearings for all health-related bills. Learn more
I am committed to addressing these housing challenges through policies and legislation that promote affordability and availability. This includes pushing for increased funding for affordable housing development, supporting renters' rights and protections, promoting innovative housing solutions, and addressing zoning laws that can restrict housing development. Learn more
As your representative, I am committed to making strategic infrastructure investments that reflect our needs today and prepare us for tomorrow. Learn more
I am deeply committed to fighting for a fair, living wage for all workers. This means advocating for wage policies that reflect the true cost of living in our state and indexing the minimum wage to inflation to ensure it keeps pace with the cost of living. It also means closing the gender wage gap and ensuring equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. Learn more
I firmly believe in the value of hard work. More than just a paycheck, a good job can provide a sense of purpose, a place in a community, and the resources to build a life. I also believe that those who work hard deserve fair wages, safe work environments, and the respect and dignity that come with a good job. As your representative, I am committed to making Colorado a state where everyone can succeed. Learn more
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