Currently holds the office of U.S. Senate - Delaware until January 3, 2031.
Candidate for U.S. Senate - Delaware in 2024 Delaware General Election.
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Get StartedLisa believes women should have the right to make their own decisions about their bodies. Learn more
There is no room in our wombs for politicians. Learn more
Lisa is a fierce advocate for LGBTQIA rights and equality. She believes that all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, deserve equal rights and protections under the law. Lisa supports efforts to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in areas such as employment, housing, health care, and public accommodations. Learn more
Lisa believes we have an obligation to support the brave men and women who sacrificed for our country and their families. She will continue to fight to protect the Veterans’ Administration from efforts to privatize it, expand workforce and educational opportunities for veterans, and support access to physical and mental health care. Learn more
Lisa believes in building an economy that works for everyone, focused on building the middle class from the bottom up and the middle out. Learn more
Lisa believes that protecting our environment can lead to economic growth and opportunity. She supports investments in renewable energy, green job creation and training, and promoting clean air and water protections. Learn more
Lisa understands the urgency of the climate crisis we face and believes that everyone deserves access to clean air and water. Learn more
Lisa believes there are vital steps we must take to protect our democracy, including ending partisan gerrymandering, stopping the influence of money in our politics, and enshrining federal voting rights protections. Learn more
Lisa supports common-sense gun safety measures, such as universal background checks, closing loopholes in existing gun laws, banning assault weapons, and funding research into gun violence prevention strategies and school mental wellness programs. Learn more
Lisa believes access to affordable health care is a fundamental right. Learn more
Lisa believes in access to comprehensive reproductive health care and advocates for addressing the health care disparities faced by marginalized communities, including addressing the gap in the Black maternal mortality rate. Learn more
Lisa believes in comprehensive, bipartisan immigration reform that prioritizes reasonable pathways to citizenship while ensuring that we secure our borders in a safe and humane way. We can have safety without cruelty. Learn more
Lisa also supports an earned path to citizenship for people who contribute to their communities, and clears immigrant visa backlogs. Learn more
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