Currently holds the office of Colorado House of Representatives - District 42 until January 1, 2027.
Candidate for Colorado House of Representatives - District 42 in 2024 Colorado General Election.
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Get StartedWe have taken for granted the right for people to decide if, when, and how they become parents. We face Roe v. Wade being overturned by the Supreme Court this month and the issue being returned to the states. Colorado must continue to bolster our citizens’ rights and stand out as a beacon for reproductive freedom in the region. Learn more
All children deserve a top rate education close to their home. Colorado ranks 40th iin education spending and we must repeal TABOR and then reimagine how we allocate resources, so that all students benefit from equitable funding. Teachers deserve pay and support that matches the crucial role they play in our society. Learn more
We owe it to our children and grandchildren, and all who come after them, to be responsible stewards of our planet, and hand it over in better shape than we found it. It is long past time to take our impact on the environment seriously and remedy the damage we’ve done. Learn more
Healthcare is a human right that should not be for-profit. Every one of us should have access to quality and affordable healthcare that stays with us no matter where we live, or what job we have. Learn more
Every person in HD42 should have a safe and warm place to sleep at night. Whether that be in a home purchased by a family at a reasonable price that builds generational wealth, in a rental where tenants’ rights are protected against price gouging by predatory landlords, or temporary housing solutions that are readily available to the most vulnerable among us. Learn more
The American Dream should be available to all through higher wages, benefits, and an increased quality of life. We cannot sit idly by while the middle class disintegrates and the wealthy become wealthier while the rest of us face insurmountable struggle. Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.