Currently holds the office of Vermont House of Representatives - District Addison-4 until January 6, 2027.
Candidate for Vermont House of Representatives - District Addison-4 in 2024 Vermont General Election.
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Get StartedIn addition to tax reform, I’ll continue to support stimulus dollars for green energy jobs and agriculture; affordable housing, increased broadband access, and address disparities in education, housing, transportation, and healthcare. Learn more
Early childhood education is critical to helping our children get off to a great start and ensure that they succeed later in life. I will continue to champion adequate public resource supports for parent-child centers, home and center based early education, and universal pre-K. Learn more
I will continue to prioritize bold action addressing the climate emergency. Our environmental commons, watersheds, and ecosystems are all connected and directly impacted by the impacts of climate change. And they are what we all love so much about Vermont. Forest, agricultural land, air, and water health all contribute to the reduction and sequestration of greenhouse gases, as well as help us strengthen our resilience to storms, heat, and drought. Our tools include a combination of resource and conservation mapping, protection of biodiversity and wildlife corridors, zoning changes, empowering municipalities to create local solutions, income-sensitive weatherization and transportation supports, investing in regenerative agriculture, and more. We must strategically analyze where we are currently spending money, and pivot as quickly as possible to creating new jobs, a renewable energy infrastructure, and a green economy. In doing so, we will protect those most vulnerable to the devastating impacts of the climate crisis. Learn more
Vermont must have a healthcare system that is financed publicly with strong transparent government regulation that allows for ample public engagement. Every Vermonter should feel that they have a voice when it comes to their health. Big insurance companies are an unnecessary expense and profit by denying access to necessary care. Healthcare providers in partnership with their patients should determine what care is needed. Learn more
I will continue to support improved public funding for all education including community college to enable statewide tuition-free access, and believe that our legislative “bridge funding” to the Vermont State College system was a wise use of Coronavirus Relief Fund dollars. I am a strong supporter of programs like dual enrollment, trade schools, and public/business collaborative workforce development, particularly in green energy, technology, construction, and health care. Learn more
Health care is a right, not a privilege. Learn more
We must address growing income inequality in Vermont. Vermont needs progressive tax reform to reduce property tax rates and return to an economy where the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share. Learn more
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