Currently holds the office of New York State Assembly - District 92 until January 6, 2027.
Candidate for New York State Assembly - District 92 in 2024 New York General Election.
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Get StartedI support the Fair & Timely and Elder Parole initiatives, enabling those who have served the bulk of their sentence and have demonstrably transformed their lives to have their cases heard by a parole board. Learn more
But to make our infrastructure less vulnerable to climate change, we also must reduce greenhouse emissions by passing the NY HEAT Act, the Bigger Better Bottle Bill, and the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Bill. And in order for our communities to be resilient to the effects of climate change, we must invest in ways to protect them from the flooding resulting from climate change. Learn more
As weather events from Hurricane Sandy to Tropical Storm Ida have made all too clear, it’s essential that we protect ourselves against the worsening storms to come. MaryJane is a leader in our region for climate resilience through her work on stormwater management and utility preparedness. Her strong support for environmental initiatives, from alternative energy to food scrap recycling, comes with the understanding that we can save money while reducing our carbon output and cutting waste. Learn more
Our gun laws need to keep pace with US Supreme Court decisions trammeling on the rights of people not to die from gun violence, most recently the Court's overturning of the bump stock ban. Learn more
We can and should expand on protections for patients and health care providers enacted in the last two years, and increase funding to insure that our health care providers can handle the increased demand from patients traveling to New York. Learn more
With historic funding coming from Washington and Albany, we have an important opportunity to rebuild our roadways, water systems, public transportation, and broadband for the next generation — not only at an efficiency of scale, but with sustainability and equity built in as fundamental to our success. Learn more
We need to pass Equal Rights Amendment on the November ballot, so that voters can enshrine abortion and other fundamental rights in the State Constitution. Learn more
Going forward, I will be working to pass the NY HEAT Act, which includes a cap on utility rate hikes, the Bigger Better Bottle Bill and Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act, as well as initiatives of significance to our region, such as stopping the expansion of the Algonquin Gas Pipeline and ensuring a full cleanup of PCBs in the Hudson River. Learn more
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