Currently holds the office of Alaska House of Representatives - District 39 until January 11, 2027.
Candidate for Alaska House of Representatives - District 39 in 2024 Alaska General Election.
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Get StartedNot only must we support our schools, but we must also work to improve other education related efforts. This includes support for pre-kindergarten programs and distance delivery technology. As the co-chair of finance I have supported increased education funding. I have helped to forward fund education to provide for stable funding. I have voted for school bond debt reimbursement and for new schools in our villages. Learn more
We need to keep our rural snow removal budgets healthy not only to keep supplies and mail coming in on a regular basis but also for life saving reasons such as medivacs. Learn more
This may be more commonly known as the longevity bonus program. It provides a small stipend to seniors based on income. Most of our elders live on fixed incomes, and yet the cost of living continues to go up. These are the folks who helped build our state, and we should continue to fully fund the program. Learn more
We will continue to find cuts where it makes sense, but we must also protect those services that are important to rural Alaska. This includes education (our schools are the center of many of our communities), public safety (including both our troopers and VPSO's), health care (and village clinics), transportation (airport and road maintenance), and energy support for rural residents (through PCE). Learn more
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