Candidate for U.S. Senate - Rhode Island in 2024 Rhode Island General Election.
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Get StartedI am pro-life because I think that life is precious. But I believe that the goal should be safe, legal, and rare, not criminal. I don’t want young parents forced to either have an unwanted child or be forced to make a terrible choice. For me the answer is to make contraceptives readily available and inexpensive. Learn more
I will pursue a policy of abundant energy. Bringing all sources into our energy mix to bring down costs and protect our natural environments. Learn more
Today’s renewable technology cannot fuel modern society. All it will do is destroy our economy and our jobs with it. If we continue to go down this path, our quality of life will be devastated. We have time to develop better, more reliable methods. Subjugating our economy, our electric grid and our future prosperity to China is the wrong path forward. Learn more
Israel must know that the United States will give them the support and time they need to achieve that goal. We must support Israel with the arms and technology they need to permanently eliminate Hamas and the other Iranian proxies, so they may live again in peace and security. Sanctions that have been proven to work must be reapplied. The Western world must stop the threat of a nuclear armed Iran. Learn more
I am a gun owner. I shoot trap and have guns for protection. I will always protect the rights of law-abiding citizens to possess and use guns. Learn more
I will work to close the border: Finish the wall. The 11 billion one-time cost is a fraction of what taxpayers are now spending annually. Demand that laws already on the books are enforced. Reinstate the Remain in Mexico policy. Use our trade leverage to secure the cooperation of our neighboring countries to stop the flow of illegal aliens to our border. Learn more
If we know that the money we are spending comes from our adversaries, is the spending justified. Is the juice worth the squeeze? That means I will vote to fund our priorities. Social security, Medicare, our military and infrastructure. Other spending must prove they provide a value that makes the spending worthwhile. We must choose between ‘must haves’ and ‘nice-to-haves”. To continue deficit spending, puts our country’s future in jeopardy. Would you rather spend on bike paths (as my opponent has done) or potholes? It’s about priorities. Our government has grown too big and consumes an ever-larger share of our money. Reducing wasteful, abusive spending and putting the brakes on the inflation it causes will be my priority! Learn more
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