Candidate for Kentucky House of Representatives - District 62 in 2022 Kentucky General Election.
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Get StartedWe need to help small businesses by: Provide small businesses the same access to the Economic Development Cabinet and incentive packages as large businesses. Remove the stranglehold on small businesses created by the Limited Liability Entity Tax (LLET). Address Workers’ Compensation premiums and fee assessments by bringing transparency to the Workers’ Compensation Funding Commission. Enact drug-free workplaces by creating a voluntary program that expands drug testing. Learn more
I support: More local control of curriculum. More effective funding options. Better resources for our local educators. Better resources for struggling children and their families. Quality opportunity for all students, in rural and urban communities. Learn more
Oppose Obamacare and Find Solutions for Higher Health Care Costs. Learn more
We need to expand access to quality health care in Kentucky again, not at the expense of our medical professionals and working families. Learn more
We need to develop asset testing for the Medicaid System that would more thoroughly screen recipients than income testing alone to ensure that those in the system actually need the system. We must create a residency requirement for Medicaid eligibility by requiring someone to live in the state for a minimum amount of time before qualifying for costly Medicaid services. Learn more
We need to work tirelessly to be granted a Medicaid Waiver so we as Kentuckians, not bureaucrats in Washington, can solve our own problems. We need to cut out the waste, fraud and abuse from Kentucky’s Medicaid program so that the program will work more efficiently and help those who need it most. Learn more
Decrease the Tax Burden on Working Families. Learn more
As your representative, I will do what I can to see excessive spending cut and save taxpayer money on public projects. Learn more
We need more jobs and less government if we hope to set Kentucky on a brighter path. Government dependency saps our economic strength and denies people the dignity that comes from a job earned. It is the private sector that ultimately creates jobs, not government. Ever since the Great Recession first hit our communities, we have suffered through hard times as we rebuild what was lost. But as long as Washington stands in the way, growth will continue to slow. Learn more
Kentucky’s public pension systems are now billions of dollars short of what they need for future payouts. Leaders from both parties can agree that the system is not sustainable. Our state constitution requires that we live up to the pension promises made to current and retired state workers. Without reform for future state workers, the system will eventually bankrupt our state or force massive tax increases. It is time that we fought for true pension reform, instead of simply slapping on the band-aid and hoping for the best. Learn more
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