Currently holds the office of Colorado House of Representatives - District 43 until January 1, 2027.
Candidate for Colorado House of Representatives - District 43 in 2024 Colorado General Election.
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Get StartedBob is committed as a Colorado State Representative to fight against the radical anti-abortion zealotry of the GOP that seeks to undermine our Free Republic. Learn more
Bob supports FUNDING law enforcement. One way to provide more resources to law enforcement is to return to a robust public mental health system. Jails have become mental health facilities of last resort, which doesn't help the police, average citizen nor the people who should be involuntarily committed before they are involuntarily incarcerated for issues stemming from mental health. Learn more
We need to re-emphasize vocational-tech, and reinvest in higher education, but with the understanding that increased state funding includes better state control. We need to provide a subsidy for teacher professionalism - a tax free stipend for full time equivalents in the state. We shouldn't have to hear about teachers paying out-of-pocket for classroom supplies, training, and more. Learn more
Bob, therefore, supports constitutional gun safety measures like Red Flag Laws, whose procedures are not materially different than if the state came into your home to take your child because you were a threat to the child or yourself. Learn more
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