Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - Alabama 7th Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - Alabama 7th Congressional District in 2024 Alabama General Election.
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Get StartedOur elections should be free and fair, which is why I am leading the fight to restore the protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA). In the House, I am the author and lead sponsor of the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, a bill to restore the VRA, which has the support of more than 200 representatives as well as citizen groups across the country. Learn more
In the House of Representatives, I’m leading legislation to expand access to cancer screenings, save rural hospitals in the Black Belt, and ensure seniors can access Telehealth services. I am also an advocate for permanently funding the Children’s Health Insurance Program, one of the most important healthcare programs for families in our state. From Birmingham to Selma to Montgomery and the Black Belt, I believe that every family deserves access to care they can afford. Learn more
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