Currently holds the office of U.S. House of Representatives - North Carolina 5th Congressional District until January 3, 2027.
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - North Carolina 5th Congressional District in 2024 North Carolina General Election.
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Get StartedAs a pro-life champion, I will never waver in my support of efforts to halt the scourge of abortion, including banning elective abortion on developed, unborn children capable of feeling pain and ending federal funding of the abortion industry. Learn more
Providing for our national security is the most critical and constitutional role of the federal government. That is why I enthusiastically support President Trump’s work to strengthen and rebuild our military. A strong, well-trained and well-equipped military is the cornerstone of defending our country. Learn more
A strong military means a strong America. But without our men and women in uniform, we cannot have a strong military. We owe it to them to honor their sacrifices and keep our promises to them. That means we should reform our veteran’s healthcare system to ensure that affordable health care remains available to our military members and their families, both while they are serving and after. This is a basic obligation we have to those who willingly serve our nation, and I will continue to fight to see that this obligation is honored. Learn more
We must continue to ensure our brave warfighters have the resources they need to tackle the current and future threats facing our nation. Learn more
While the federal government isn’t a job-creator, it can help foster an economy where there are plentiful jobs by lowering taxes, reducing red-tape, and creating economic certainty. Another issue vital to a modern, competitive economy in North Carolina is workforce development. Helping workers obtain the skills necessary to fill the technology-based and service jobs that make up the modern economy will put us on a path towards a strong economy for decades to come. Learn more
As the U.S. Constitution reserved authority over education to the states, the federal role in education should be reduced wherever possible, and the federal government should never be allowed to impose top-down dictates like Common Core on states. North Carolinians know best how to invest in education that ensures student success and I have great trust in our state’s ability to be a leader on education. Learn more
I believe it is important to protect our environment for current and future generations. I am committed to a serious, solutions-oriented approach to environmental protection. Rather than top-down regulations that stifle growth and innovation, we should build upon the principles of innovation, conservation, and adaption. Learn more
I will continue to fight to halt the growth of the federal government in its tracks and return to the states their constitutionally granted governing powers. Learn more
As a lifelong supporter of your right to keep and bear arms, I am dedicated to fighting government efforts that infringe on law-abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights. Importantly, the right to keep and bear arms is not just for hunters and sport shooters. If the Second Amendment means anything, it means that this is an enumerated right for all American citizens who wish to arm themselves and to defend their property and the people they hold dear. If we want to remain a free nation, this is a right that must not be infringed. Learn more
Every single American, especially those with disabilities or other pre-existing conditions, deserve access to affordable coverage that puts patients in control of their health care choices. I am committed to lowering costs and offering more choices to make our nation’s health care system work better. I have voted for real solutions to lower health care costs, including lowering drug prices, ending surprise billing, reducing premiums, cutting out-of-pocket costs, and providing tax relief. I will continue to oppose radical policies like “Medicare for All,” legislation that would eliminate private insurance and disrupt coverage for hundreds of millions of Americans. Medicare for All would cost at least 32 trillion, effectively bankrupting our nation. It would kick employees off their employer-sponsored health care plans and end popular Medicare Advantage plans. Learn more
While our immigration system is broken, we must not seek to reform it by destroying the very thing that makes our nation strong, our rule of law. Thus, our guiding light on immigration reform should be to secure our borders, uphold our laws, and protect our national security. This is why I support President Trump’s efforts to enforce our current immigration laws and secure our border. Learn more
We must continue to cut wasteful federal spending and redirect limited funds to federal priorities such as national defense and protecting programs Americans rely on such as Social Security and Medicare. Taking these commonsense steps now will ensure that the federal budget gets back on sound footing and that our children and grandchildren face a future of opportunity, not debt. Learn more
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