Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives - North Carolina 13th Congressional District in 2022 North Carolina General Election.
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Get StartedI believe that politicians have no business getting in the middle of healthcare decisions, and that those decisions belong between a woman and her doctor. That’s why I helped lead the fight in North Carolina to stop Republican attacks on the right to choose, and why I’ll fight hard to protect that right in Congress. Learn more
I am committed to defending family planning and reproductive health centers against efforts to eliminate their federal or state funding. In Congress, I will base my policy views on reproductive rights, and all other issues, on science rather than politics. Learn more
I disagree with those in my party who want to defund the police, and I support programs that help to build community relationships and trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Learn more
In Congress, I will pursue legislation that reduces the rate of recidivism, ends for-profit prisons, legalizes marijuana, fixes staffing issues in first response and law enforcement departments, and funds mental health and substance abuse treatment. Learn more
In Congress, I’ll support investments in childhood education, increased funding for STEM programs. We must ensure every child has access to the resources they need to learn by increasing funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Learn more
Beyond K-12, I support expanding the number of apprenticeships available through the Department of Labor, and access to affordable college education so that our young people don’t have to take on debt to continue their learning. Learn more
In Congress, I’ll support investments in “green” jobs and clean energy infrastructure, funding for sustainable transportation initiatives, and a long-term plan toward energy independence. Learn more
In Congress, I’ll support investments in clean energy infrastructure, funding for sustainable transportation initiatives, and fully funding programs that protect our ecosystems, coastlines, and wildlife. Learn more
I support common-sense gun safety legislation that is evidence-based and shown to reduce violence. Learn more
I've advocated for common-sense gun safety measures like universal background checks, Red Flag laws, and a ban on high-capacity magazines. Learn more
I’m committed to working hard to lower prescription drug costs, lower premiums, and expand access to high-quality healthcare services in rural areas by incentivizing staff retention and investing in rural infrastructure. Learn more
In Congress, I'll advocate for passage of HR3 to lower drug prices and cap the out-of-pocket cost for seniors on Medicare. I support a universal healthcare plan that allows people to keep their employer or union-provided healthcare plans, if they want to. I am committed to working hard to lower prescription drug costs, lower premiums, and expand access to high-quality healthcare services in rural areas by incentivizing staff retention and investing in rural infrastructure. Learn more
To start, we must expand the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), which helps to spur the construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing across the country. Learn more
We must take immediate action to increase the supply of affordable housing in our state. Learn more
People who wish to come to our country seeking a better life deserve a pathway to visas or citizenship that doesn’t take decades to complete. I believe that our state is stronger because of its diversity and that those seeking the American Dream in our country deserve a chance to achieve it. Learn more
In Congress, I’ll work to pass the PRO Act and be an advocate for the middle class. Learn more
In Congress, I’ll fight to protect Social Security and oppose any move to privatize it. Learn more
In Congress, I’ll fight for fair tax reform that shifts the tax burden away from working families and asks big corporations to pay their fair share. Learn more
I’ve worked to increase the State Minimum Wage, and in Congress, I’ll continue that fight for a $15 Minimum Wage. Learn more
In Congress, I will work to pass the PRO Act and continue to stand strong with labor unions and working families. Learn more
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