Candidate for University of Colorado Board of Regents - District 5 in 2018 Colorado 2018 General Election.
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Get StartedCutting costs and further cultivating public-private partnerships—while not raising taxes—must continue. Learn more
also will further develop initiatives—such as the Conservative Thought and Policy Program and the Center for Western Civilization at CU Boulder—to push back against groupthink mentality. Learn more
Extreme political correctness stifles open debate and has a chilling effect on honest discussions. Institutions of higher learning should promote free thought rather than indoctrinate students into subscribing to any particular worldview. Learn more
Cutting costs and further cultivating public-private partnerships—while not raising taxes—must continue. Also, continuing to expand online course offerings will enable more students, particularly from rural areas, to gain access to higher education at a lower cost Learn more
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.