Currently holds the office of Austin City Council - District 7 until December 31, 2028.
Candidate for Austin City Council - District 7 in 2024 Texas General Runoff Election.
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Get StartedIn Fiscal Year 2023, 387 local workers participated in the program. I will work to double that number while expanding career path options. Learn more
Create an Austin Public Bank. Learn more
To decarbonize our food supply while addressing food scarcity in our community, we need to keep local farms in business. Learn more
Austin should close the Fayette coal plant, avoid building any new natural gas power plants, and make major investments in battery storage, geothermal, and other renewable energy strategies. Learn more
Our shared commitment to closing Fayettte should not in any way support the new push, by some fossil fuel supporters, to build a new natural gas plant in Austin. Instead, to meet our local needs for power generation and transmission, we should pursue the recommendations of climate and energy experts to invest in wind, solar, geothermal, storage, energy efficiency, and demand response, each of which offers enormous potential to meet our energy needs. Learn more
We must close the Fayette plant as soon as possible, and at the same time, pursue two concurrent necessities: to provide a just transition for coal plant workers; and to remedy the legacy of environmental pollution caused by decades of coal plant operations. Learn more
The City can also use public enterprises as a way to fast-track efforts to create clean energy jobs, reduce residential energy bills, and ensure we take full advantage of federal clean energy funds. Following the example of the Philadelphia Energy Authority, I support the creation of an Austin Clean Energy Authority that would seek to maximize the use of billions of dollars in potential investments made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act. Learn more
I will also spearhead the use of the City’s existing Affordable Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) and Austin Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) to create a new kind of publicly-controlled, non-profit housing developer that builds green, mixed-income social housing. Learn more
We need new sources of patient, mission-driven capital to grow the City’s already substantial efforts to build and preserve affordable housing. We also have to make sure our public investments are building green affordable housing. Learn more
And I will work with my Council colleagues and the Board of the Austin Transit Partnership to ensure the Crestview Station and Airport priority extensions are completed as soon as possible. Crestview Station, right here in District 7, will allow for significant increases in ridership, thus helping the system achieve its ridership goals and facilitate additional funding and expansion. Learn more
Although “weatherization” may not seem like an innovative strategy, it’s one of the key ways Austin can achieve our energy conservation goals while helping people afford to live in the City. I will support and expand programs that subsidize the weatherization of multifamily properties, both to reduce electricity consumption and lower electric bills for Austin renters. Learn more
As a City Councilmember, I will propose a public “strike fund” and farm conservancy to preserve regional farms. With these tools, the City can provide working capital and acquire local farms, ensuring their continued operation. This program would also create synergy with other City efforts, including the work of the Austin Civilian Conservation Corps and ongoing City-County-Schools partnerships focused on ending food scarcity, especially among young people. Learn more
During each year’s general fund budget process, I will prioritize the expansion of Austin’s Civilian Conservation Corps (ACCC). Learn more
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