More than 1,004 positions are up for election ranging from federal positions including President of the United States to county offices like Maricopa County Justice of the Peace - Desert Ridge.
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.
Get StartedThe President is the chief executive of the country, possessing many powers including signing bills into law, vetoing legislation, appointing federal judges and executive department heads, issue executive orders, and conducting foreign policy.
The Vice President is the second-highest official in the executive branch, and the presiding officer in the U.S. Senate. The Vice President is the first person in the presidential line of succession, and has the power to break ties in the U.S. Senate.
The U.S. Senate is one of two chambers of the federal legislature. Senators are responsible for writing and passing legislation, approving presidential appointments, and ratifying treaties with foreign countries.
The State Corporation Commissioner is officer in an independent department of state government with delegated administrative, legislative and judicial powers to regulate business and economic interests, including the regulation of insurance, public utilities, securities, retail franchising, and railroads.
The U.S. House of Representatives is one of two chambers for the federal legislature. Representatives begin the legislation process, offer amendments, and serve on committees.
The State Supreme Court is responsible for final appeals. Judges in this position are seeking to retain their current seat.
State Appellate Court judges are responsible for hearing cases on appeal from lower courts to determine if the law was interpreted and/or applied correctly. Judges in this position are seeking to retain their current seat.
State Senators are members of the state's upper chamber, as part of the state's bicameral legislature. State senators are responsible for voting on: bills related to public policy matters, levels for state spending, raises or decreases in taxes, and whether to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes.
State Representatives are members of the state's lower chamber, as part of the state's bicameral legislature. State representatives are responsible for voting on: bills related to public policy matters, levels for state spending, raises or decreases in taxes, and whether to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes.
Proposed Amendment to the Arizona Constitution by the Legislature Relating to Primary Elections
Proposed Amendment to the Arizona Constitution by the Legislature Relating to Initiatives and Referenda
Proposed Amendment to the Arizona Constitution by the Legislature Relating to the Governor
Proposed Amendment to the Arizona Constitution by the Legislature Relating to Ballot Measures
Proposed Amendment to the Arizona Constitution by the Legislature Relating to the Judicial Department.
Proposed Amendment to the Arizona Constitution by the Legislature Relating to Wages
Proposed by Initiative Petition Relating to the Fundamental Right to an Abortion.
Proposed by Initiative Petition Relating to Elections.
First Responders Proposition
Property Tax Proposition
Child Sex Trafficking Sentencing Proposition
Crimes by People Not Lawfully in the United States Proposition
Regulatory Rulemaking Proposition
Elected Official Compensation
A Resolution Proposing a Permanent Adjustment Increasing the State-Imposed Base Expenditure Limitation for Yavapai County, Arizona.
Regional Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Investment Plan
Expenditure Base Adjustment
Sales Tax for Roads
Locally Controlled Alternative Expenditure Limitation
Continuation of the City Lodging, Restaurant and Lounge (BBB) Transaction Privilege Tax Through June 30, 2043
Ratification of the City of Phoenix General Plan
Continuation and Increase of the Local Public Transit Transaction Privilege Tax
Citizens' Commission on Salaries for Elected City Officials
Transaction Privilege and Use Tax
Expenditure Base Adjustment
Public Safety Improvement Bonds
Street and Transportation Improvement Bonds
Water and Wastewater Utility Franchise
Expenditure Base Adjustment
Expenditure Limitation Exclusions
Hotel and Event Center Worker Minimum Wage
Enhance Community Safety Through Public Safety and Roadway Improvements
Improve Quality of Life in Tempe Neighborhoods
Increase Supply of Affordable Housing
View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady.